End of the Islamic State

The territorial rule of the “Islamic State” has ended - the news of a military victory spreading accross the globe like wildfire. However, experts are saying that the organization is weakened but not yet defeated.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced on Friday afternoon via Twitter that “they are now being beaten badly at every level….”, which is a half-truth, considering that the “Islamic State” did indeed forfeit its last stronghold, Baghus, but still, experts assume that the fighting will go on and the extremist network still functions, meaning, as soon as another power vacuum ruptures, extremists will try to fill it.

But there is also good news: the media-effective military victory could finally get the public to view the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria in a more serious light. Tens of thousands of civilians are on the run, shelters are already hopelessly overcrowded…

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