Wake up – school!

What sounds familiar to us and our friends is foreign to at least 57 Million children around the globe: primary education.

According to UNICEF Education database (2018) a global average of 8.9% does not receive primary education. In emergency countries, countries where UNICEF has a humanitarian appeal, this figure even increases to dramatic 20.0%.

The United Nations recognized these challenges, sustainable development goal 4, one out of 17 UN goals to be achieved till 2030, tackles education issues.
Goal 4 commits to quality education – „obtaining a quality education is the foundation to creating sustainable development “.
To point out the importance: The united Nations merely calls “no property”, “zero hunger” and “good health and well-being” at an earlier stage.

Nevertheless, yet, less than 4% of global humanitarian appeals are dedicated to education, according to the UN´s Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). It is our responsibility to try and start counteracting this shortcoming!

Everybody is able to aid: contributions to Initiative Interchange benefit entirely into the reconstruction of Syrian schools - bear in mind that a 5€ donation is synonymous with four years of primary education for a Syrian child!